Taispeánfar moltaí i ndiaidh duit an t-ionchur cuardaigh a chlóscríobh. Úsáid na saigheada suas agus síos chun athbhreithniú a dhéanamh. Úsáid Iontráil chun roghnú. Más frása é an roghnúchán, cuirfear an frása sin isteach lena chuardach. Más nasc é an moladh, nascleanfaidh an brabhsálaí chuig an leathanach sin.
Óstach Eispéiris

Turais Threoraithe i bPórtó Ríce

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These information pages can help you get started in learning about some of the laws and registration requirements that may apply to your experiences on Airbnb. These pages include summaries of some of the rules that may apply to different sorts of activities, and contain links to government resources that you may find helpful.

Please understand that these information pages are not comprehensive, and are not legal advice. If you are unsure about how local laws or this information may apply to you or your Experience, we encourage you to check with official sources or seek legal advice.

Please note that we don’t update this information in real time, so you should confirm that the laws or procedures have not changed recently.*

Do I need a license to take my guests to public areas or monuments in or around Puerto Rico?

Yes. Tourist Guides are required to be certified by the The Puerto Rico Tourism Company(DRNA).

If your Experience involves tours or touristic transportation, some additional specific legal requirements may apply. You can get some of Puerto Rico’s regulations on the sale and marketing of certain travel, tour and transportation services.

Experiences that involve selling transportation tickets or making reservations, promoting or carrying out excursions or collective trips, and or nautical tours might also have additional requirements. Please consult with a local lawyer or the Puerto Rico Tourism Company for more information.

However, if you do not possess a tourist guide permit, it is unlikely that you encounter regulatory issues as long as you do follow the following:

  • Use third-party services from authorized Travel Agents or Wholesalers (if you register with the Puerto Rico Tourism Company as an Independent Contractor) for any Experiences involving the offer or sale of tickets, reservations for accommodation, entertainment, or transportation and/or selling or promoting excursions.
  • You use third party services from authorized Tourist Guides to travel to any place of tourist, cultural, and/or natural interest.
  • You use third party services from authorized Nautical Tourism/Tourist Marina Providers for any nautical/marine tourism activities.

Do I need permission to give my guests a tour of buildings or attractions in or around Puerto Rico?

See response to question above.

*Airbnb is not responsible for the reliability or correctness of the information contained in any links to third party sites (including any links to legislation and regulations).

An raibh an mhír seo úsáideach?
Faigh cabhair le d'áirithintí, do chuntas, agus rudaí eile.
Logáil isteach nó cláraigh